Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pre-season Task No. 2

Oh, yes, I have a few of those!

Internal Excuses
I'm scared. Feel the fear and do it anyway - a fear faced, will go away.
I dont' care. Yes you do, otherwise why would you be here?
I'm not that fat. You are living like a fat person - if you keep going you will be!
It doesn't matter. You matter!  What you eat matters, and keeping fit matters.
It's his fault for making me mad. Get over yourself.  Take responsibility.
I deserve a treat. You deserve to treat yourself with respect.
I want a treat. Treat yourself with a real treat - not with crap.  How is killing yourself slowly a treat?
I dont' feel well. you know that it is in your head, you feel like crap because you need to eat well and exercise - so do it!
I'm lazy. the only way that will change is if you change it, so get moving!
I'm tired. well hurry up and get it done, you will feel less tired and will sleep better tonight!
I don't want to. but you do want the results - so do it!
My body shape is horrible anyway, being thin won't change it. It's not all about body shape, healthy is the aim, and your body shape will change with exercise, but wont from starving yourself!
No matter what I do, it never turns out the way I want.  Oh, grow up!
I always fail, it's not my fault. It is your fault.  Take responsibility
I have food aversions. If you eat it, it will become normal - just try it.

External Choices in My Control.

It's raining!  Well do inside Cardio instead!
I've been asked to do Uni stuff.  Time Management!  There are alternatives - you can do something later on, or just get exercise done in the morning!
I have so much I should be doing - 3 kids with special needs requiring regular speech therapy and some extra supervision!  Well, do it!  Stop procrastinating!  It doesn't take that much time to cook and exercise each day.  You have time to do it all, just do it instead of sitting on your butt!
I can't afford it. Sit and work out the budget. If it really isn't affordable, is there an alternative?
My hubby bought it... you know you wanted it, stop blaming him!

External Choices out of My Control.

Kids getting sick.  Dont feel guilty - Do what you can.
Me being sick!  Just rest up and concentrate on getting healthy!

So what did I get out of this?

Well, the biggest thing I noticed is that the internal excuses list is a hell of a lot longer then the external excuses list! And the 'in my control' list is longer then my 'out of my control' list.  I really don't have very many good excuses as to why I am not doing what I need do!
I mean, yeah, I am doing honours full-time, need to maintain a home, budget, look after 3 boys with pick-ups and drop-offs at school, speech therapy, etc  but honesly, I don't do most of what I 'should' do anyway and spend way to much time watching tv and blogging! lol

I am so glad I have this here now.
I will continue to update this list and to return to it when I am making excuses and need to get my thought process back in line!

Thankyou Michelle Bridges!

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