But everyday is an opportunity to learn.
Last night I crashed and burned in a serious way. I had it worked out in my head. It started with ‘I will order the good choice pizza’, and then as I ordered I ‘had’ to order a regular pizza to get in the voucher, but the regular pizza turned into the ‘prawn, bacon, and feta’ pizza but I was only going to have one slice.
Until the pizza turned up an hour later and I was so hungry!
I don’t know how many calories I ate, too many. And I thought it was funny enough to comment on a Facebook group of former L&S participants. Thinking I would get the usual ‘haha’ response that I get from people when I fail, the normal ‘oh yes, you’re not perfect, of course you failed’ type response. But no. These wonderful people were disappointed for me, they encouraged me to stop and to get back on track.
I see now I had just lost my way, jumped over onto the ‘second best is okay’ path that I am used to. I was reminded that I am not aiming for second best. I am aiming for the best me that I can be.
I was also reminded that I am not in this alone. That people do care if I succeed or fail. When I let myself down, I am also letting down other people. I’ve never felt that before. It’s a nice feeling!
I just focus on the next meal and the next workout - that pizza will be history before you know it!