Thursday, September 8, 2011

Excuses.. Yes, I have more!

Internal excuses
1. I'm scared.

Feel the fear and do it anyway. Get the doctors appointment and get started with getting proper treatment!  Once I get used it, I am fine!  It is just that initial busting out of the comfort zone that is difficult.  But I know I can do it, so just do it!

2. I'm tired

Go to bed early, and set the alarm to wake up in the morning at the same time every day!  The last three days I have been waking consistently at 6:50 so I might try 6:40am for the rest of the week and see how I go!

3. I haven't eaten

Get organised and plan your food! This is a huge part of why I have not done as well as I could have in previous rounds.. I need to organise my meals and get some good food habits going.  I don’t want to be bloated, dehydrated, or hungry during a workout!

External Excuses – controllable

1. Phone not charged, equipment not ready.

Get your stuff organised and ready to go - keep a routine for water, charging the iPhone and keeping my gym clothes clean!  I have been doing excellent with managing these things with a simple good routine!  I now have my routine up on the fridge so I know what I need to do without thinking!

External Excuses – not so controllable

1. Work, study, or other commitments getting in the road

Stay on top of your commitments at work and keep organised.  Damage minimisation is the key here and a good balance is essential to maintain focus in all the aspects of my life!  If the kids are sick, work from home, if it is raining, head to the gym.. just find a way!

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