Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Journey starts Now!

And so it begins....

It seems so far away, today especially.  I am madly working on my thesis (and effectively procrastinating taking a dinner break by doing this) and the future seems so far away.  Yet it is not that far at all. Coming in the next few months....

4th Sept - dinner party
5th Sept - Fathers Days
9th Sept - Mum is visiting for a week
14th Sept - graduation ceremony
18th Sept - 2 weeks of school holidays
20th Sept - 12wbt begins offiicially
1st October - 1st draft of thesis needs to be done
10th October - final 5k race of the HN series
28th October - 17yr anniversery
1st of Nov - 5 Bound copies of thesis to be handed in
2nd Nov - Hubbies B'day
14th Nov - presentation on my thesis topic
10th December - my birthday
11th December - school holidays start!

Sigh, not much of a break in there!  And I still need to arrange speech therapy for the two youngest boys of mine for the final semester, Cam should have OT starting next term as well, and I want to do swimming classes!  Argh!    I only have a few of my experiments done as well - so much more left to do!

but as they say, every great journey starts with just one step. 


Oats and honey for breakfast
3 small slices of cake for morning tea
Tandoori chicken wrap and salad from Maccas for dinner
1 bottle of water
2 cups of tea

Exercise:  I ran up 3 flights of steps to get to my third floor office - and been generally busy.

Uni:  Have completed materials and methods section; got a practice bacterial prep done this morning and have done my prep work for tomorrow.

Still to do:

COPD section and Hib Section
entry into lab manual.

I am determined to complete my assigned tasks today so I had better be off! 

Update:  Went home and had a handful of tomato flavoured chips, had a mandarin before bed, and didn't get any of my uni tasks done, though I did get some more papers downloaded and read!

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